Sunday, June 15, 2008

Marketing items- Too little or overkill?

Venturality is in the midst of a website overhaul. We have added some services and changed our logo - so the website needs to keep up. I have contracted a professional graphics/web designer along with kicking off some SEO efforts. I feel this is at least a base line requirement.

I have had some ideas of extending the website marketing effort with some podcasts and/or videocasts - waste of my time?

Also, my wife and I have really embraced the green movement. I am trying to move our personal home off the grid - a combination of solar, wind and energy use reduction. I am also toying with the idea of bringing this effort to the company - without being labeled with green-washing. While the primary goal is saving the Earth, I felt bringing our eco-efforts to our marketing would be help grow the company which would help fund our efforts and so on... So my challenge is to incorporate my green efforts without it seeming contrived. Any ideas would be appreciated!

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