Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday's suggested reading and some ramblings

If you are a small biz owner and do not subscribe to Inc. Magazine you are missing a lot of valuable insight and potential opportunities. It has great stories and articles from every part of the startup and small business spectrum. Some of the stories are about success and some are about failures - and some in between. I would also suggest FastCompany.

I find it somewhat comforting to to read the trials and tribulations of other small companies like those in Inc. as sometimes it can feel a bit lonely in the small biz world - your friends and family don't understand the hours that you put in, why you would take such risks and why you miss birthday parties for kids (well, other people's children - I draw the line at my own!).

My wife is thinking about reaching out to other wives of entrepreneurs to share thoughts and experiences of the life style. At first, I was like why does she want to do that? Then I realized is its unique to rest of the social norm - its seems the industrial revolution seemed to put more than steel cogs into manufacturing machines - it put every day people (cogs) into the social machine that is home, 8-5 job, do your job and hope that some middle manager gives you a raise or recognizes your potential...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Blogging, Twittering, Networking... Time?

I pose this question to readers of the blog and other entrepreneurs - "When does everyone find time to blog, tweet, network with others and then... pay attention to family and yourself?"

I am so busy building the business and keeping clients happy by just emailing and calling that the other communication conduits seem almost like noise. My focus is about my clients's needs and not mine. I would like to think that I am on my "game" but this piece of the puzzle is escaping me - I would love to hear feedback from others!